Gastric Problems

Stomach diseases include gastritis, gastroparesis, diarrhea, Crohn's disease and various cancers.
The stomach is an important organ in the body. It plays a vital role in digestion of foods, releases various enzymes and also protects the lower intestine from harmful organisms. The stomach connects to the esophagus above and to the small intestinebelow. It is intricately related to the pancreas, spleen and liver. The stomach does vary in size but its J shape is constant. The stomach lies in the upper part of the abdomen just below the left rib cage.
Examples including the name gastropathy include portal hypertensive gastropathy and Ménétrier's disease, also known as "hyperplastic hypersecretory gastropathy". However, there are many other stomach diseases that don't include the word "gastropathy" such as gastric or peptic ulcer disease, gastroparesis, and dyspepsia.
Many stomach diseases are associated with infection. Historically, it was widely believed that the highly acidic environment of the stomach would keep the stomach immune from infection. However, a large number of studies have indicated that most cases of stomach ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. One of the ways it is able to survive in the stomach involves its urease enzymes which metabolize urea (which is normally secreted into the stomach) to ammonia and carbon dioxide which neutralises gastric acid and thus prevents its digestion. In recent years, it has been discovered that other Helicobacter bacteria are also capable of colonising the stomach and have been associated with gastritis.
Having too little or no gastric acid is known as hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria respectively and are conditions which can have negative health impacts. Having high levels of gastric acid is called hyperchlorhydria. Many people believe that hyperchlorhydria can cause stomach ulcers. However, recent research indicates that the gastric mucosa which secretes gastric acid is acid-resistant.
Gastritis and stomach cancer can be caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.
There are many types of chronic disorders which affect the stomach. However, since the symptoms are localized to this organ, the typical symptoms of stomach problems include nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramps, diarrhea and pain.

Chronic disorders

Disorders of the stomach are very common and induce a significant amount of morbidity and suffering in the population. Data from hospitals indicate that more than 25% of the population suffers from some type of chronic stomach disorder including abdominal pain and indigestion. These symptoms occur for long periods and cause prolonged suffering, time off work and a poor quality of life. Moreover, visits to doctors, expense of investigations and treatment result in many days lost from work and a colossal cost to the financial system.


In the stomach there is a slight balance between acid and the wall lining which is protected by mucus. When this mucus lining is disrupted for whatever reason, signs and symptoms of acidity result. This may result in upper abdominal pain, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and heartburn. When the condition is allowed to progress, the pain may become continuous; blood may start to leak and be seen in the stools. If the bleeding is rapid and of adequate volume it may even result in vomiting of bright red blood (hematemesis). When the acidity is uncontrolled, it can even cause severe blood loss (anemia) or lead to perforation (hole) in the stomach which is a surgical emergency. In many individuals, the progressive bleeding from an ulcer mixes with the feces and presents as black stools. Presence of blood in stools is often the first sign that there is a problem in the stomach.[4]


Another very common long term problem which is now more appreciated is gastroparesis. Gastroparesis affects millions of individuals and is often never suspected and most patients have a delay in diagnosis. Basically in gastroparesis, the stomach motility disappears and food remains stagnant in the stomach. The most common cause of gastroparesis is diabetes but it can also occur from a blockage at the distal end of stomach, a cancer or a stroke. Symptoms of gastroparesis includes abdominal pain, fullness, bloating, nausea, vomiting after eating food, loss of appetite and feeling of fullness after eating small amounts of food.


During digestion, food is stored in the liquid present in the stomach. The food that is not digested travels to the large intestine and colon in liquid form. These organs begin to absorb the water turning the food into a more solid form. Different viruses or bacteria can increase the amount of liquid that is secreted and moves too quickly through the digestive tract for the water to be absorbed. Diarrhea comes in two types: acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea. The acute diagnosis can last for a few days up to a week of time. Chronic diarrhea lasts for several days or longer periods of time lasting a few weeks. The difference in diagnosis will help determine the cause of the illness.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive tract, even the stomach, although it's a rare presentation. Its main feature is inflammatory ulcers that can affect the total thickness of the stomach wall and can bleed but rarely perforate. Symptoms include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Diarrhea is also a symptom that can develop, so checking stools for the appearance of blood is important. It is possible for symptoms of Crohn's disease to remain with a person for weeks or go away on their own. Reporting the symptoms to a doctor is recommended to prevent further complications.


Cancers of the stomach are rare and the incidence has been declining worldwide. Stomach cancers usually occur due to fluctuations in acidity level and may present with vague symptoms of abdominal fullness, weight loss and pain. The actual cause of stomach cancer is not known but has been linked to infection with Helicobacter pylori, pernicious anemia, Menetriere's disease, and nitrogenous preservatives in food.[5]

Causes and treatment
Smoking has been linked to a variety of disorders of the stomach. Tobacco is known to stimulate acid production and impairs production of the protective mucus. This leads to development of ulcers in the majority of smokers. Chronic stomach problems have also been linked to excess intake of alcohol. It has been shown that alcohol intake can cause stomach ulcer, gastritis and even stomach cancer. Thus, avoidance of smoking and excess alcohol consumption can help prevent the majority of chronic stomach disorders.
One of the most causes of chronic stomach problems is use of medications. Use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to treat various pain disorders can damage lining of the stomach and cause ulcers. Other medications like narcotics can interfere with stomach emptying and cause bloating, nausea, or vomiting.
The majority of chronic stomach problems are treated medically. However, there is evidence that a change in life style may help. Even though there is no specific food responsible for causing chronic stomach problems, experts recommend eating a healthy diet which consists of fruits and vegetables. Lean meat should be limited. Moreover, people should keep a diary of foods that cause problems and avoid them.[6]

There are many tools for investigating stomach problems. The most common is endoscopy. This procedure is performed as an outpatient and utilizes a small flexible camera. The procedure does require intravenous sedation and takes about 30–45 minutes; the endoscope is inserted via the mouth and can visualize the entire swallowing tube, stomach and duodenum. The procedure also allows the physician to obtain biopsy samples. In many cases of bleeding, the surgeon can use the endoscope to treat the source of bleeding with laser, clips or other injectable drugs.

X rays
Other radiological studies frequently used to assess patients with chronic stomach problems include a barium swallow, where a dye is consumed and pictures of the esophagus and stomach are obtained every few minutes. Other tests include a 24-hour pH study, CT scans or MRI etc.

Liver disease

Any condition that damages the liver and prevents it from functioning well.

Most common types
•    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
The accumulation of liver fat in people who drink little or no alcohol.
•    Hepatitis C
An infection caused by a virus that attacks the liver and leads to inflammation.
•    Hepatitis B
A serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus that's easily preventable by a vaccine.
•    Cirrhosis of the liver
Chronic liver damage from a variety of causes leading to scarring and liver failure.
•    Alcoholic hepatitis
Liver inflammation caused by drinking too much alcohol.
•    Hepatitis A
A highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus.
•    Hemochromatosis
An inherited condition caused by excessive absorption of iron, leading to high blood iron levels and iron deposits in multiple joints.

Heartburn and Acidity

The human digestive system can endure two main problems, heartburn and acidity. Many of us might have experienced these issues more than once in our lives. The two conditions are related to each other and therefore people experience both at the same time. The main cause of these problems is the increasing acid levels in the stomach. Heartburn is referred to the irritating feeling or inflammation you in the esophagus (in the chest region). It is caused by the fluctuating stomach acid levels. In this case the acid oozes out from stomach and travels upwards in esophagus. So, it the acid comes in direct contact with inner walls of esophagus and it results in a burning sensation in esophagus along with bloating sensation in the stomach.
The stomach aids the digestion process by producing the gastric juices. At times, the back flow of the gastric juices takes place and the acid travels from the stomach to the esophagus. It results in the condition known as acid re-flux (or acidity). Too much acid levels can cause the burning sensation and other complications. So, you may resort to taking antacids for getting relief from the heartburn and acidity. The antacids provide temporary relief by neutralizing the excessive acid secreted by the stomach. However, it does not aim at curing the root cause that is resulting in excessive acid secretion.

Common causes of acid reflux
There are various causes that are responsible for acid reflux in most of the cases. Some of them are as follows:
1.    a) Obesity
2.    b) Overeating
3.    Eating heavy meals just before going to bed
4.    Not following proper posture while eating
5.    e) Eating spicy food or the food with more acidic content such as citrus, onions, garlic, etc.
6.    f) Drinking some beverages such as carbonated drinks, tea or coffee, etc.
7.    g) Being on strong medications for longer duration.
Moreover, if this problem persists for longer duration it may lead to various gastrointestinal complications such as ulcers. Therefore, one should opt for holistic methods like homeopathic treatment to eliminate the root cause of this problem.

Homeopathy treatment for Heartburn and Acidity
There are several effective medicines in Homeopathy that can make you get rid of this health problem permanently. The medication depends on the cause and frequency of recurrence. The Homeopathic treatment does not focus only on the symptoms but also lays a great emphasis in understanding the actual cause and eliminating it. As per the Homeopathy, acid reflux is not the actual problem, but it is the outcome of some other health issue that needs to be addressed.  Homeopathy is the alternative medicine that aims to alleviate the issues in your body by strengthening the self-healing mechanism of the body, instead of over-powering it. It uses natural products to address the symptoms that make you uncomfortable. So, you get an ideal solution to overcome the issue without causing problems to your physical, emotional or mental health.

Kidney stone

Kidney stone: Also called: nephrolithiasis or renal lithiasis.
Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that stick together in concentrated urine. One in every 20 people develops kidney stones at some point in their life. Most kidney stones will pass through the ureter to the bladder on their own with time. Kidney stones are common cause of blood in the urine (haematuria) and often severe pain in the abdomen.
A kidney stone may not cause any symptoms until it moves around within your kidney. When it passes into the ureter that point the patients may experience these signs and symptoms:
•    Severe pain in the abdomen, below the ribs.
•    Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity.
•    Nausea and vomiting.
•    Persistent need to & pain on urination.
•    Pink, red or brown urine.
•    Blood present in the urine.
•    Fever and chills if an infection is present.

Kidney stones often have no definite, single cause, although several factors may increase the risk for formation. The kidneys regulate levels of fluid, minerals, salts and other substances in the body. When the balance of these compounds not maintained kidney stones may form.
Stones are more common in individuals who drink less than the recommended eight to ten glasses of water a day. When there is not enough water to dilute the uric acid, the urine becomes more acidic thus forming the environment which can lead to formation of kidney stones.

Risk factors:
Males are more prone to kidney stones than females. A family history of kidney stones also increases the chance getting one. Similarly, a previous kidney stone occurrence increases the risk that a person will develop subsequent stones in the future if prevention is not taken.
Treat your kidney stone with homoeopathy:
Treatment of kidney stones with the help of homoeopathy is the most effective. Here in Agrawal Clinic we take all the case history very seriously and treat every patient on the basis of individuality. At Agrawal Clinic we not only treat the cases of renal stone but also prevent the development of subsequent stones in the future. All the medicines used for the treatment of renal stone are natural and well proved. Although kidney stones are considered a case for surgery, Dr. Vikas Agrawal has set a milestone by breaking down and dissolving kidney stones or help them pass out as it is without surgical intervention.